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Junior Electrical Engineer

Algoteque • Fully remote, Warsaw (Pologne)


À propos

ALGOTEQUE is an IT consultancy firm that helps startups, mid-sized and large corporations to create and deliver innovative technologies. Our team has a successful track record in designing, developing, implementing, and integrating software solutions (AI, ML, BI, Web, Automation) for Telecom, Energy, Bank, Insurance, Pharma, Automotive, Industry, e-commerce. We deliver our services both in fixed-price and time-and-materials models, helping our customers achieve their business and IT strategies. Our Client is seeking an Junior Electrical Engineer to ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply by balancing energy demand and supply. This role involves using data and technology to remotely manage energy flows, reduce peaks, and optimize energy consumption.

Le poste

-Energy Flow Management: Monitor and optimize energy flows for end users. Use data to predict and adjust energy consumption patterns. Implement peak shaving strategies. -Remote Control and Monitoring: Manage installations and energy flows remotely. Optimize IoT devices and use Openremote for automation. -Energy Storage: Manage energy storage using batteries and thermal solutions. Oversize buffers to store excess energy. Share storage capacity within a grid. -Market Price Integration: Link energy generation and consumption to market prices. -User Behavior Influence: Influence user behavior with requests and incentives for optimized energy use. -System Integration: Connect electrical and mechanical installations for the heat transition. Train models based on energy flows to improve system intelligence.

Profil recherché

Experience in data analysis and predictive modeling. Proficiency in remote management of energy systems. Knowledge of energy storage and market price integration. Familiarity with Openremote and IoT devices. Strong analytical and communication skills. Preferred: Experience in sustainable energy or related fields. English Level: minimum B2 Valid EU work permit Benefits: Competitive salary and incentives Remote work flexibility Professional growth opportunities in the energy sector Join us !

En résumé




Freelance • Temps Plein


1 an minimum


Aucun requis


Fully remote, Warsaw (Pologne)




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Junior Electrical Engineer

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